Brave heart freedom
Brave heart freedom

brave heart freedom

Had they fought in an open field, the Scottish defeat would have been certain. The bridge evened out the playing field between the two sides, forcing the invaders to fight in groups small enough to cross, which would eventually lead to their defeat. As a result, he eliminated a fundamental part of history: the bridge. In Braveheart, Gibson wanted to create a spectacle that the reality of the original battle didn’t allow for. One of the most memorable moments is the big face-off with Stirling. Wallace and Bruce were both recognized as Guardians of Scotland and are national Scottish heroes. The film portrays him as a pushover, but he was the brains behind the greatest Scottish victories and the legitimate heir to the Scottish throne. The main protagonist of the revolt was Robert Bruce, who was nicknamed “Braveheart”. However, the revolt was probably related to abuses on the part of the English administration. There’s no historical evidence of that actually happening. In fact, the supposed droit du seigneur that Murron has to endure is a dramatization. Nor was his marriage to Murron the cause of the conflict. In fact, it’s more likely that he was a noble himself. The real William Wallace probably didn’t come from such humble origins. William Wallace is the Mel Gibson prototype hero, similar to Christ in The Passion of the Christ. Perhaps the biggest liberty that the movie’s creators took was in the making of its main characters. The story’s potential as a myth is undeniable, as is evidenced by the fact that, after the film’s release, the Nationalist Party in Scotland doubled its numbers in Parliament. The characters aren’t fighting a feudal war, their cause is nationalistic in nature. The leitmotif of the story is freedom, an obvious nod to revolutionary values. If you eliminated the historical references in the film, it could be a story about the American Revolution or the Spanish War of Independence. The mentality of the characters and their motivations belong more in the 18th or 19th century than to people in medieval Scotland. What it lacks in accuracy, however, it makes up for in emotion. Gibson’s film takes plenty of artistic liberties in its telling of the life of William Wallace, who wasn’t even the true “Braveheart” of Scottish history. Braveheart is one of the best movies of the 90s, but its historical accuracy is questionable.

brave heart freedom brave heart freedom

In 1995, Mel Gibson reached the height of cinematographic success when he won five Oscars, including Best Picture and Best Director.

Brave heart freedom